
Sunday, September 4, 2016

A Weekend in Guangzhou, Guangdong, CHINA

Planning the 1st Holiday on ILP!
Our first vacay falls on some not-to-pleasant dates.. holidays in China are tough to get around in because there are just so many people and places. So since we're traveling during a festival, our inital plans of going to Yangshuo were quickly dismissed due to the unavailability of train tickets. We took our coordinator's advice and decided on going to Guangzhou, a city just north of Zhongshan.

After some resesarch, I found that the amusement park I'd written on my bucket list is there and te night markets are full of authentic food and treasures.
So we are going! I've booked lodging and am currently in the process of planning our route from our apartment here to there.

The tentative itinerary goes something like this:
Bullet train from Zhongshan north --> Guangzhou south
Metro line 2 to Chonggang --> line 8 to WanShengwei
At that point we will go out and explore, find some food, and maybe head over to Shangxiajui Square where the market starts.

Day 1 will be Chimelong Paradise. With a student discount, the ticket is 165RMB, plus 100RMB for the fast-pass (well worth the $15 to jump in front of 1000s of people), and 20RMB for the all-day train pass if we want. All in all, the entire park ticket will cost less than any American amusement park.
We'll take a free shuttle into the park after getting to Hanxi Changlong station.

Day 2 will be touring the temples, memorials, and other sights in Guangzhou, unless the group wants to do something else.

Day 3 will be .... shopping! The best thing to do in China! We'll hit the night market this day if we haven't already and maybe do some day shopping as well. Since we're only a quick bullet train away from home, souvenir shopping here is a great idea !

"The man who goes alone can start today, but he who travels with another must wait til the other is ready." - Henry David Thoreau -

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